Mgr. Veronika Prudlová, attorney, founded her own Law office of Mgr. Veronika Prudlová in 2015. Veronika Prudlová has been an attorney for more than 11 years and has been working in the area of advocacy for more than 14 years at the time of founding the law office. She has acquired not only rich experience in the area of law during this time, but also clear idea about needs of clients of law office. Professionalism, loyalty and high quality of provided legal services were important for Veronika Prudlová during whole time of her practice of attorney, regardless the fact whether the legal services were determined for big transnational companies, Czech enterprises or common people.
On May 1, 2015 Veronika Prudlová, advocate, opened her own law office with a goal to achieve that her logo is not only a short of her name for clients of Veronika Prudlová, attorney, but also a synonym for professional legal services, satisfying rightful expectations of her clients, thus:
- high standard of quality of legal services, based not only on knowledge of legal rules and itsset explanations in judicature and professional commentaries, but also on rich experiencewith application of law in practice;
- understandable communication with client for the purpose of ascertaining of ideas and needs of the client and explanation of legal problematic in the most possible easy way;
- emphasis on finding of the most convenient and economic solutions of problems of client, according to the needs of client, practical advice;
- effective pleading of clients and enforcing of their interests;
- observing of ethical principles and professional rules without compromise.
Veronika Prudlová provides legal services in Czech and English language in broad spectrum of legal branches; her legal services are determined for companies as well as for individual businessmen and common people.The level of provided legal services is the same for one-time rendering of legal advice as for long-term cooperation with client; long-term cooperation with client is naturally more effective in respect to acquired knowledge of client ́s needs and finding of the most convenient way of communication, making every day work easier.
Veronika Prudlová started cooperation with further attorneys providing complementary legal services in additional legal areas, to be able to render complex legal services to her clients, as well as a public notary. To provide even more effective legal services Veronika Prudlová founded a new law office called Advokátní kancelář Poláček Tryznová & Prudlová on April 1, 2016. The law office is foundend on the same grounds, basis and main principles as described above. Veronika Prudlová was appointed to be an administrator of the said law office.